We gather yearly - the children, the volunteers and members of the congregation - to celebrate the season of Advent, preparing for Christ's birth. Excitement is in the air. Everyone is dressed up. There is good food to be had and much singing. The evening is a memorable one for all. Sometimes the weather 'cooperates' and the drive from Riga, while beautiful, can be treacherous- especially the final 5 kilometers on unpaved and unplowed roads.

Some of the youngest make their attempts at piano playing - trying to make sense of the foreign language of musical notation. Edvins loves music and loves to sing. Omīte (the Zvannieki grandmother) took Edvins to children's opera productions. His favorite was the "Bird's Opera" (Putnu opera). He knew all of the songs and sang along. Since Edvins is visually impaired, he was assigned a seat front and center - directly behind the conductor. At the conclusion of the opera, the conductor was asked about the performance, since it was the final showing. He mopped his brow and said that this was the hardest performance ever. Why? - because a little boy sitting directly behind me sang along - well, almost along - he was ahead of the other singers and pit orchestra by almost a beat. That was our Edvins. Here he is singing at the Advent celebration.