Dear friends:
As you can see, the Easter Bunny visited us this year. You see before and after shots of some of our younger residents. Chocolate is tasty for breakfast as well as later in the day...
Our family has once again grown. This time by four children - all from one family. The youngest is two years old and the oldest is six and a bit. We truly hope that officials will not tarry and find a family ready to adopt these children soon. It seems quite clear that there will be no returning them to their biological mother. It is indeed sad that so many children in the world are suffering from neglect and are abused or abandoned. I wish we could return to earlier times when neighbors would not think twice, but would step up and care for children without family able or willing to do that. I wish... I am sure many children wish that. Institutions are no place for children to spend a major part of their childhood in.
Greetings from us all!