On Easter Monday we were greeted with a rude surprise. The parents of whom we had 8 children under our roof were inebriated to the extent that they were not answering their door, the door was locked and their youngest children 18 months and 6 months were heard crying in the house. With the aid of the local police the door was opened and these children were taken and placed in our care. I lack the words to describe the situation in that house. A picture is worth a thousand words...
The children are presently being cared for by a couple until the courts decide what should be done with them. We hope that they never have to return to the house they were living in and to people who did not adequately care for them. I write these lines in anger and frustration and with deep sympathy for the thousands of children in Latvia, and the countless number of children in the world that are not cared for or loved.